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Amit Raja Naik

Amit Raja Naik is a seasoned technology journalist who covers everything from data science to machine learning and artificial intelligence for Analytics India Magazine, where he examines the trends, challenges, ideas, and transformations across the industry.

10 Most Popular Datasets On Kaggle

Machine learning and data science hackathon platforms like Kaggle and MachineHack are testbeds for AI/ML enthusiasts to explore, analyse and share quality data.  However, finding

What To Expect At ‘Tesla AI Day’?

Tesla chief Elon Musk recently announced his plans to host an ‘artificial intelligence day.’ It would happen in ‘about a month or so’, he tweeted.

Top 10 Papers Presented At CVPR 2021

At the annual virtual computer vision event CVPR 2021, students, academics and researchers from across the globe, came together to celebrate the advancements in the

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