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Picture of Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is a technology enthusiast with a professional background in journalism. He believes in writing on subjects that evoke a thought process towards a better world. When not writing, he indulges his passion for automobiles and poetry.

The AI strategy of

We use the CRISP-DM methodology to ensure each data science problem is solved holistically and meets business expectations and standards.

How HomeLane utilises AI

We have a proprietary unified data platform that collates data across various systems and aggregates them in an easily interpretable format.

Talking Ethical AI with Fosfor’s Satyakam Mohanty

AI governance methods are hard to standardise as there is no unified global agreement on AI best practices. At Fosfor, AI governance is based on explainability, fairness evaluation, and human in the loop (HITL) approach.

What’s new in PyTorch 1.11

functorch aims to provide composable vmap (vectorization) and autodiff transforms that work well with PyTorch modules and PyTorch autograd.

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