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Dr. Vaibhav Kumar

Dr. Vaibhav Kumar is a seasoned data science professional with great exposure to machine learning and deep learning. He has good exposure to research, where he has published several research papers in reputed international journals and presented papers at reputed international conferences. He has worked across industry and academia and has led many research and development projects in AI and machine learning. Along with his current role, he has also been associated with many reputed research labs and universities where he contributes as visiting researcher and professor.

MobileNet vs ResNet50 – Two CNN Transfer Learning Light Frameworks

In this article, we will compare the MobileNet and ResNet-50 architectures of the Deep Convolutional Neural Network. First, we will implement these two models in CIFAR-10 classification and then we will evaluate and compare both of their performances and with other transfer learning models in the same task. 

Hands-On Guide To Object Detection Using YOLO

In this article, we will learn how to detect objects present in the images. For the detection of objects, we will use the YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm and demonstrate this task on a few images. In the result, we will get the image with captioned and highlighted objects with their probability of correct detection.

fruit recognition

Fruit Recognition using the Convolutional Neural Network

In this article, we will recognize the fruit where the Convolutional Neural Network will predict the name of the fruit given its image. We will train the network in a supervised manner where images of the fruits will be the input to the network and labels of the fruits will be the output of the network. After successful training, the CNN model will be able to correctly predict the label of the fruit. 

American Sign Language Classification

Hands-On Guide To Sign Language Classification Using CNN

In this article, we will classify the sign language symbols using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). After successful training of the CNN model, the corresponding alphabet of a sign language symbol will be predicted. We will evaluate the classification performance of our model using the non-normalized and normalized confusion matrices. Finally, we will obtain the classification accuracy score of the CNN model in this task.

transfer learning models

Practical Comparison of Transfer Learning Models in Multi-Class Image Classification

In this article, we will compare the multi-class classification performance of three popular transfer learning architectures – VGG16, VGG19 and ResNet50. These all three models that we will use are pre-trained on ImageNet dataset. For the experiment, we have taken the CIFAR-10 image dataset that is a popular benchmark in image classification. The performances of all the three models will be compared using the confusion matrices and their average accuracies.

fashion apparel recognition

Fashion Apparel Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network

In this article, we will discuss fashion apparel recognition using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. To train the CNN model, we will use the Fashion MNIST dataset. After successful training, the CNN model can predict the name of the class a given apparel item belongs to.

Transfer Learning For Multi-Class Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

In this article, we will implement the multiclass image classification using the VGG-19 Deep Convolutional Network used as a Transfer Learning framework where the VGGNet comes pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. For the experiment, we will use the CIFAR-10 dataset and classify the image objects into 10 classes. The classification accuracies of the VGG-19 model will be visualized using the non-normalized and normalized confusion matrices.

url shortening in python

How To Create URL Shortening Library In Python

In this article, we will discuss how to create a library in python to shorten a URL and then we will check this library to shorten multiple URLs in a text file. The shortened URLs will further be written in an output text file. It can work for thousands of URLs in a text file and convert them into their corresponding shortened form without any crash.

reinforcement learning in python

Ad Click-Through-Rate (CTR) Prediction using Reinforcement Learning

In this article, we will discuss reinforcement learning in Click-Through-Rate (CTR) prediction of web advertisements. We will see the practical implementation of Upper Confidence Bound (UCB), a method of reinforcement learning applied in this task. Using this implementation, one can be able to find the best version of the advertisement from a set of available versions that can get a maximum number of clicks by the visitors on the website.

hybrid ensemble learning model

A Hands-on Guide To Hybrid Ensemble Learning Models, With Python Code

In this article, we will show a heterogeneous collection of weak learners to build a hybrid ensemble learning model. Different types of machine learning algorithms are grouped together in this task to work on a classification problem. We will show the performance of individual weak learning models and then the performance of our hybrid ensemble model.

News Scraping

How To Scrape, Summarize & Convert News Articles Into Text Files

In this post, we will discuss a very basic approach to scrap a news article on the web page and summarize it, along with a few more key information. We will also explore how we can save this scraped and summarized result into a text file. This can be saved for future study or for research purposes.

deep neural network for bank crisis prediction

Deep Learning Model For Bank Crisis Prediction

In this article, we will discuss a deep learning technique — deep neural network — that can be deployed for predicting banks’ crisis. This experiment is based on the African economic, banking and systemic crisis data where inflation, currency crisis and bank crisis of 13 African countries between 1860 to 2014 is given. By predicting through a deep learning model, we will see that this model gives a high accuracy in this task.

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