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Yugesh Verma

Yugesh is a graduate in automobile engineering and worked as a data analyst intern. He completed several Data Science projects. He has a strong interest in Deep Learning and writing blogs on data science and machine learning.

Hands-On Guide To Triton By OpenAI

gramming language that provides features like writing GPU codes without having so much experience. We can also write efficient programs of GPU programming in just a few lines of code. It takes a lot of effort to write a single program. These features also boost the kernels’ efficiency up to 2x than the torch implementations.

Hands-On Guide To PyKale: A Python Tool for Multimodal and Transfer Learning

The library has a pipeline-based API that unifies the workflow in several steps that helps to increase the flexibility of the models. These APIs are designed to accomplish the following steps of any machine learning workflow
The pykale supports graph, images, text and videos data that can be loaded by PyTorch Dataloaders and supports CNN, GCN, transformers modules for machine learning.

Hands-On Tutorial on Visualizing Spectrograms in Python

For visualising signals into an image, we use a spectrogram that plots the time in the x-axis and frequency in the y-axis and, for more detailed information, amplitude in the z-axis. Also, it can be on different colors where the density of colors can be considered the signal’s strength. Finally, it gives you an overview of the signal where it explains how the strength of the signal is

Complete Guide To SARIMAX in Python for Time Series Modeling

SARIMAX(Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous factors) is an updated version of the ARIMA model. we can say SARIMAX is a seasonal equivalent model like SARIMA and Auto ARIMA. it can also deal with external effects. This feature of the model differs from other models

Complete Tutorial on Parts Of Speech (PoS) Tagging

Classifying words in their part of speech and providing them labels according to their part of speech is called part of speech tagging or POS tagging OR POST.  Hence the set of labels/tags is called a tagset. Next in the article, we will discuss how we can implement that POST part of any NLP task

Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes)

BIRCH clustering algorithm is provided as an alternative to MinibatchKMeans. It converts data to a tree data structure with the centroids being read off the leaf. And these centroids can be the final cluster centroid or the input for other cluster algorithms like AgglomerativeClustering.     

Guide To AC and PAC Plots In Time Series

when we talk about the time-series data, many factors affect the time series, but the only thing that affects the lagged version of the variable is the time series data itself

Guide to NLP’s Textrank Algorithm

The algorithm text rank came here to provide automated summarized information of huge, unorganized information. This is not the only task we can perform by the package. Instead of summarizing, we can extract keywords and rank the phrase, making a huge amount of information understandable in a very summarized and short way

Beginner’s Guide To Qiskit for quantum Computing

Quantum computing is the field of computer science that mainly focuses on modern physics principles of quantum theory. Principles of quantum theories illustrate the behaviour of matters and energy at atomic and subatomic levels and Qiskit is an open-source quantum software development kit developed by IBM that provides help writing quantum computing programs

Guide To Pysentimiento Toolkit | Text Classification Using Transformers

Pysentimiento comes to save us from all these hard-working processes. Pysentimiento is the best way to perform text classification and sentiment analysis. The best thing is that it has two features that we can use, we can analyze the text in two languages(English and Spanish) with a single module

General Overview Of Time Series Data Analysis

In time-series data analysis, we seek the reason behind the changes occurring over time in time series, information points are gathered at adjacent time-spaces, there is a relation between observations, whether they can be proportional or unproportioned.

Guide To Text Classification using TextCNN

Text classification is a process of providing labels to the set of texts or words in one, zero or predefined labels format, and those labels will tell us about the sentiment of the set of words.

Genetic Algorithms Made Easy With EasyGA

Genetic algorithms(GA) are a rapidly growing area of artificial intelligence and machine learning. They are based on natural selection and genetics. Genetic algorithms are adaptive


Guide To Microsoft’s FLAML

The current data science scenario raises a big question: how and what to select as a machine learning model to predict all best. When selecting,

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