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Guide Towards Fast, Accurate, and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment(3DDFA-V2) Framework


Design by 3D dense face alignment(3DDFA

3D dense face alignment(3DDFA) is a trending technique for many face tasks, For example, object recognition, animation, tracking, image restoration, and many more. For now, most of the studies in 3DDFA are divided into two categories:

  • 3D Morphable Model(3DMM) parameter regression,
  • and Dense vertices regression.

Now Existing method of 3D dense face alignment only focuses on accuracy, which tends to limit the scope of their practical applications. In previous implementations of 3DDFA, there was a major problem with accuracy and output inference but the new 3DdFA_V2(version 2nd) came up with a new regression framework that makes a reliable balance between accuracy, speed, and stability. 3DDFA_V2 is published by Jianzhu Guo, Xiangyu Zhu, Yang Yang, Fan Yang, Zhen Lei, and Stan Z. Li in the research paper called Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable

3D Dense Face Alignment The new backbone of this framework is very lightweight and its source code is open-sourced on GitHub here. The repository is owned by Jianzhu Guo. The research has been accepted by ECCV 2020

3DDFA_V2 (3D Dense Face Alignment- version 2)


It is an improved version of previous implementations of 3DDFA now named 3DDFA_V2, it achieved promising speed, accuracy, and stability also incorporating the fast face detector FaceBoxes instead of Dlib. It introduced the new meta-joint optimization strategy to dynamically regress a small set of 3DMM parameters, also to further improve the stability of the model on videos authors virtual synthesis method to convert one image to a short-video which integrates in-plane and out-of-plane face moving. 

  • It runs over 50fps(19.2ms) on a single CPU
  • Can reach up to 130fps(7.2ms) on multiple CPU(i5-8259U) core.
  • It is 24x times faster than PRNet
  • It is a more dynamically optimized technique leveraging the 3DMM parameter through a novel meta-optimization strategy.


3ddfa architecture

3DDFA_V2 architecture consists of four parts:

  1. Lightweight backbone MobileNet architecture for 3DMM parameter predictions
  2. Meta joint optimization of fWPDC and VDC.
  3. Landmark regression regularization
  4. Short-video synthesis for better training.

To decrease the computation burden the landmarks regression branch is discarded during inference.


To see the outputs we will be using Google Colab demonstration, first, we will clone the 3DDFA_V2 repo, and then we will set up the environment. Let’s jump straight to the code:

Cloning and setup up the environment

 %cd /content
 !git clone
 %cd 3DDFA_V2
 !sh ./ 

Importing modules

 import cv2
 import yaml
 from FaceBoxes import FaceBoxes
 from TDDFA import TDDFA
 from utils.render import render
 from utils.depth import depth
 from utils.pncc import pncc
 from utils.uv import uv_tex
 from utils.pose import viz_pose
 from utils.serialization import ser_to_ply, ser_to_obj
 from utils.functions import draw_landmarks, get_suffix
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from skimage import io 

Load 3DDFA configurations

It will enable the ONNX environment to speed up the process, default backbone of the architecture is MobileNet_V1 with input size 120×120, and the default pretrained weight/mb1_120x120.pth, there is also another wider factor is available as this project provide two mobilenet models to choose from.

ModelInput#Params#MacsInference (TF)
MobileNet x0.5120×1200.85M49.5M~2.9ms
3DDFA supported models
 cfg = yaml.load(open('configs/mb1_120x120.yml'), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
 onnx_flag = True  # True to use ONNX to speed up
 if onnx_flag:
     !pip install onnxruntime
     import os
     os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK'] = 'True'
     os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '4'
     from FaceBoxes.FaceBoxes_ONNX import FaceBoxes_ONNX
     from TDDFA_ONNX import TDDFA_ONNX
     face_boxes = FaceBoxes_ONNX()
     tddfa = TDDFA_ONNX(**cfg)
     face_boxes = FaceBoxes()
     tddfa = TDDFA(gpu_mode=False, **cfg) 


Let;s first take any image you want 

 img_url = ''
 img = io.imread(img_url)
 img = img[..., ::-1]  # RGB -> BGR 

Detecting faces using FaceBoxes

The FaceBoxes module is modified from FaceBoxes.PyTorch. There are some previous work on 3DDFA or reconstruction are available like: 3DDFA, face3d, PRNet.

 boxes = face_boxes(img)
 print(f'Detect {len(boxes)} faces')
 #Regressing 3DMM params, reconstruction and visualization
 param_lst, roi_box_lst = tddfa(img, boxes) 

Reconstructing vertices and visualizing sparse landmarks using 3DDFA

 dense_flag = False
 ver_lst = tddfa.recon_vers(param_lst, roi_box_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag)
 draw_landmarks(img, ver_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag) 

Reconstructing vertices and visualizing dense landmarks

 dense_flag = True
 ver_lst = tddfa.recon_vers(param_lst, roi_box_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag)
 draw_landmarks(img, ver_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag) 

Reconstructing vertices and render

 ver_lst = tddfa.recon_vers(param_lst, roi_box_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag)
 render(img, ver_lst, tddfa.tri, alpha=0.6, show_flag=True); 

Reconstructing vertices and render pncc

 ver_lst = tddfa.recon_vers(param_lst, roi_box_lst, dense_flag=dense_flag)
 pncc(img, ver_lst, tddfa.tri, show_flag=True); 

Running it on Video

python3 -f examples/inputs/videos/214.avi --onnx
demo 3ddfa


This new approach for more stable, fast, and accurate 3D Dense Face alignment is really a new way of training and inference face data. In Colab the code takes nearly seconds to run. just because of lightweight mobinet architecture, surprisingly the latency of onnxruntime was also much smaller on CPU, for more you can follow the below resources:

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Picture of Mohit Maithani

Mohit Maithani

Mohit is a Data & Technology Enthusiast with good exposure to solving real-world problems in various avenues of IT and Deep learning domain. He believes in solving human's daily problems with the help of technology.

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