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Search Results for: jupyter – Page 4

AI Origins & Evolution
kumar Gandharv

Top Data Labelling Courses

The accuracy of the trained model depends on the accuracy of the ground truth, hence, spending the right amount of time and resources to ensure highly accurate data labelling is essential.

AI Mysteries
Vijaysinh Lendave

Hands-On Guide To Word Embeddings Using GloVe

Creating representations of words is to capture their meaning, semantic relationship, and context of different words; here, different word embedding techniques play a role. A word embedding is an approach used to provide dense vector representation of words that capture some context words about their own.

AI Mysteries
Vijaysinh Lendave

Complete Tutorial on Linear And Non-Linear Filters using OpenCV

Initially developed by Intel, OpenCV is an open-source computer vision cross-platform library for real-time image processing and which has become a standard tool for all things related to computer vision applications. In 2000, the first version of OpenCV was released; since then, its functionality has been very much enriched and simplified by the scientific community. Later in 2012, a nonprofit foundation took the initiative for maintaining a support site for developers and users.  

AI Mysteries
Vijaysinh Lendave

How to Scrap Web Using Selenium Java

Web scraping, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, etc., are some of the widely used mechanisms for gathering insightful data. However, web scraping is considered the most reliable and efficient data collection method out of all these methods. Web scraping, also termed as web data extraction, is an automatic method for scraping large data from websites. It processes the HTML of a web page to extract data for manipulation, such as collecting textual data and storing it into some data frames or in a database.

AI Mysteries
Vijaysinh Lendave

Beginners Guide To SQL (With Python Codes)

SQL can be used to store, access and extract massive amounts of data to carry out the whole Data Science process smoothly. The beginning process involved in Data Science is to perform a lot of querying operations, a lot of search operation, extraction operation, editing or modifying operation to do all that while having Big Data we need a huge management system along with that we need language to perform all the operation that we want to do with data that’s why SQL comes in picture.   

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