7 Best Coding Platforms for Free Practice

1. MachineHack GenAI

MachineHack allows users to practice in diverse aspects of coding such as Array, String, Tuple, Matrix, NumPy, SciPy and more.

2. LeetCode

LeetCode allows String, Hash Table, Dynamic Programming, sorting, depth-first search, binary search, binary tree, bit manipulation, stack, string matching, probability and statistics and more

3. HackerRank

LeetCode allows dictionaries and hashmaps, sorting, string manipulation, dynamic programming, stacks and queues, graphs, recursion and backtracking.

4. CodeChef

CodeChef allows practice in basic programming, arrays, strings, binary structures, data structures, dynamic programming, graphs and segment trees

5. CoderByte

Codebyte allows to take challenges like algorithms, front-end, back-end and database challenges with automated grading

6. FreeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp allows JavaScript algorithm and data structures, data visualisation, back end development

7. Codewars

Codewars supports over 55 programming languages to master. The ‘kata’ can be solved in the browser and the test cases (TDD) can be used to check participants’ progress


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