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Vandana Nair

As a rare blend of engineering, MBA, and journalism degree, Vandana Nair brings a unique combination of technical know-how, business acumen, and storytelling skills to the table. Her insatiable curiosity for all things startups, businesses, and AI technologies ensures that there's always a fresh and insightful perspective to her reporting.

Turning Rural India into Data Mining Hubs

“It currently takes an average low-income Indian over 7 generations to make USD 1500 in savings and a Karya worker can make the same amount in less than a year.”

Fixit 2 vs Ruff

Meta is back with Python-based auto-fixing linter Fixit 2 to help you write codes better, but is it better than Rust-based Ruff?

Another AI Senate Hearing- and Nothing

If the first AI senate hearing focussed on Sam Altman’s insightful AI safety suggestions, the second one emphasised uncertain AGI and doomsday predictions

Big Tech’s Race Towards Nuclear Energy

In 2022 alone, investments over $3.4 billion went into nuclear energy, with tech biggies such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, and others vested in it

Who Will Win the AGI Race? 

With big tech still fighting in the big race for AI supremacy, an AGI race is slowly gaining momentum. Who will succeed? And, how?

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