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kumar Gandharv

Kumar Gandharv, PGD in English Journalism (IIMC, Delhi), is setting out on a journey as a tech Journalist at AIM. A keen observer of National and IR-related news.

Actions Taken For Ethical AI In 2021

Countries are investing heavily in AI research and development. However, there are currently no norms or standards in place for ethical AI research, design, or use.

Top Data Labelling Courses

The accuracy of the trained model depends on the accuracy of the ground truth, hence, spending the right amount of time and resources to ensure highly accurate data labelling is essential.

Google Is Using Deep Tech To Provide Sleep Insights

The human brain has special neurocircuitry to coordinate sleep cycles — transitions between deep, light, and rapid eye movement (REM) stages of sleep — vital not only for physical and emotional wellbeing.

Explaining Metaverse To A 6-Year-Old

It was in 1992, Neal Stephenson coined the term “metaverse” in his famous novel Snow Crash. The novel referred to a 3D virtual environment occupied by avatars of real people.

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