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Picture of Poulomi Chatterjee

Poulomi Chatterjee

Poulomi is a Technology Journalist with Analytics India Magazine. Her fascination with tech and eagerness to dive into new areas led her to the dynamic world of AI and data analytics.

Will Tesla Make (it) in India?

Tesla has struggled with optimising their production because Musk has been intent on manufacturing all the car’s parts independent of other suppliers since 2017.

Can ONDC deliver?

For small sellers to maintain entirely separate infrastructures and processes for online and offline sales is difficult and eats into their costs, which might not be affordable for many.

Apple’s top of the pyramid fortune

Another offshoot of the pandemic was that consumers were cooped indoors, as a result of which, they could afford to spend a bigger portion of their disposable income on an iPhone instead of going out or on holiday.

Imagen vs DALL.E 2: Who wins?

Imagen tested better than the other models by a wide margin on accounts of both image fidelity and image-text alignment.

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